Catastrophia, Title: "My Darkest Desire - Black as Night" Summary: "Dark desires and deep-seated fantasies. Edward watches the one he covets the most…with another man. Anger rages and plans are acted out. Will Bella survive the night he has in store for her? GRAPHIC SCENES DEPICTED" Rating: "Rated: M" Storyid: 8978834 Main reason for removal: "Rating: explicit content or adult content above current rating" The above story has been removed because it violated the guideline detailed on the upload page. FanFiction.Net has a set of guidelines for the uploading of stories and chapters.
Sucks, but I figured it would happen.
So, Psychoward fans, looks like you'll have to read on TWCS. :(
I don't understand how they figure these "pullings" I really don't. Compared to some that are still up . So I'll be looking for your stories on TWCS.
Typical of FF. Bloody inconsistent twerps!!!
ReplyDeleteCan't you put in a blog? I hate trying to find authors and stories on TWCS.
Just did! You can follow it here. I'm thinking of making a new one for Black as Night since I'm continuing it.